Emergency Evacuation policy

Badge Club Emergency Evacuation Policy for Disabled Children


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safe and efficient evacuation of all children, including those with disabilities, in the event of an emergency at Badge Club. We are committed to providing a safe environment and ensuring that all necessary measures are in place to protect the well-being of every child.


This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, and children attending Badge Club activities. It outlines procedures specifically tailored to accommodate the needs of disabled children during an emergency evacuation.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

General Guidelines

  • Preparation and Training: All staff and volunteers must be familiar with the emergency evacuation procedures and receive training on assisting disabled children during an evacuation.

  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs): Each disabled child will have a PEEP, which will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. The PEEP will include details of the child’s specific needs and the assistance required during an evacuation.

  • Communication: Ensure that all staff, volunteers, and children are aware of the evacuation signals and procedures. Use clear and simple language, visual aids, or other appropriate communication methods for children with communication difficulties.

Evacuation Procedure

  1. Evacuation Signal: Upon hearing the evacuation signal (alarm or announcement), staff must immediately begin the evacuation process.

  2. Role Assignment: Specific staff members will be assigned roles to assist disabled children. These assignments should be predetermined and included in the PEEPs.

  3. Assist Disabled Children: Staff assigned to assist disabled children should quickly and calmly assist them to the nearest safe exit, following the procedures outlined in their PEEPs.

  4. Use of Evacuation Aids: Use any necessary evacuation aids (e.g., wheelchairs, evacuation chairs, or other mobility devices) as specified in the child’s PEEP.

  5. Alternative Exits: Identify and use alternative exits if the primary route is blocked or unsafe. Ensure all exits are accessible.

  6. Assembly Point: Guide all children to the designated assembly point, ensuring that disabled children are accompanied and accounted for.

  7. Headcount: Conduct a headcount at the assembly point to ensure all children, including those with disabilities, are present and safe.

  8. Medical Attention: Provide any necessary medical attention to children who may need it during or after the evacuation.


  • Service Manager: Ensure all staff and volunteers are trained and aware of the emergency evacuation procedures. Review and update the PEEPs regularly.

  • Staff and Volunteers: Follow the evacuation procedures and assist disabled children as outlined in their PEEPs. Participate in regular training and drills.

  • Parents/Carers: Provide detailed information about their child's needs to create an effective PEEP. Update the club with any changes in the child’s condition or needs.

Training and Drills

  • Regular Drills: Conduct regular evacuation drills to ensure all staff, volunteers, and children are familiar with the procedures.

  • Feedback and Improvement: After each drill, gather feedback from staff and volunteers to identify any areas for improvement and update procedures accordingly.

Communication with Emergency Services

  • Informing Emergency Services: Ensure that emergency services are aware of the presence of disabled children and their specific needs during an evacuation.

  • Detailed Information: Provide detailed information about the nature of the emergency and any specific assistance required for disabled children.

Review and Update

This policy will be reviewed annually or following an emergency evacuation to ensure its effectiveness. Any changes in the needs of disabled children or new best practices will be incorporated into the policy.

End of policy.